Sunday 13 September 2015

My First Ever Blog Entry

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog. I'm Abbhi here and this is my very first entry of my blog. Well, I just want to share something about myself. I'm currently pursuing Diploma In English at Sultan Idris Education University. This is my first time being a blogger. The reason I'm doing this blog is for my assignment for one of my course known as Writing for Multimedia and the Web, so I would like to thank Mr. Zahren for giving me a lot of guidance and motivation to prepare this blog. Actually, I don't have much interest or passion in doing blogs. However, there is no harm in trying something new. So, I hope I can gain some new experience from doing this blog.  

As this is my first post, I would like to share some interesting facts that I have read before. So, hope you guys can chill out and enjoy reading this. There are few benefits of laughing everyday:

  • Reduces heart disease
  • Natural pain killer 
  • Improves breathing 
  • Helps you lose weight
  • Gives good sleep 
  • Decreases stress 
  • Makes you look young  
  • Boosts relationships 

Wow, this is unbelievable right??? But these are true facts people. At first, I was shocked when seeing that laughing even provides health benefits. Hence, there's no reason not to laugh. So, keep laughing everyday. And remember that laughter is the best medicine. 

Haha, so I guess that's all for now. I hope that we can stay connected by sharing more about our daily lives. I will share more interesting stuffs in my upcoming posts. So, keep waiting then. Live, laugh and love. Adios all :D <3  

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