Saturday 12 September 2015

Form 6 Memories

That's my class picture when I studied Form 6 in Anglo Chinese School (ACS), Ipoh. This was taken 2 weeks after we have entered ACS for lower 6. I studied since June 2013 till March 2014. I stopped doing my Form 6 after I had got offer to pursue diploma course in UPSI. Even though it was a short period of studying there, I got so much of experience and the memories were unforgettable. At first, I felt a bit awkward to study there because I studied both primary and secondary in girls school. Since ACS was a boys school, I was not used to it and felt shy to talk with my guy classmates. 

However, as time goes, I started to discover that they were very friendly and helpful. They respect all the girls just like their own family members. When it comes to any homework or assignments, none of them will hesitate to help. The teachers in ACS  were also very caring and dedicated to their job. As you can see in the picture, my class teacher is Puan Lee. Even though she was very strict, she cared for all of us like her own children and helped us a lot anytime we needed her. She always decribed my class as "ohana", which means family. This created a very good understanding and friendship bond between us. And the great part is we are still in contact till now.  

There's never a day that I felt like not going to school. Although our subjects were very tough, we managed to study hard besides having fun with each other. One of the sweetest moment is when I had a twin sister, Anne, in my class, whose birth date was same as mine. So, my friends made a surprise birthday for the both of us. That was an unforgettable memory. Furthermore,there were many events and programmes that I participated such as sports day, cultural night, prefects night and KRS camp. The most memorable and important event of ACS was Florathon 2013. 

What's so special about this Florathon? I'm sure you will be wondering right? Haha, so keep looking forward till I continue this story in my next post. See you...;)

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