Wednesday 16 September 2015

Chocolate lovers

I'm sure most of you would love to eat chocolates, won't you? In fact, I'm one of the chocolate lovers too. I just love everything with chocolate. Some people will say that eating too much of chocolate is unhealthy as it contains fat and sugar. However, chocolates does good stuff that you didn't know about all this while. You can enjoy its benefits if you do not go overboard.

So, here are the 7 reasons why chocolate is healthy: 

1. It's loaded with antioxidants which can be found in fruits and vegetables as well.

2. It helps ladies through PMS. Chocolates releases endorphins that reduces anxiety besides having high magnesium.

3. It may lower cholesterol. A small study have found that daily consumption cocoa flavanol-containing dark chocolate lowered cholesterol and improved blood pressure.

4. It may prevent pregnancy complications. A new study reports that a chemical (theobromine) found in chocolate may reduce preeclampsia, a major pregnancy complication. It helps to lower the risk by up to 69 percent. Wow, take notes ladies...

5. Chocolates help prevent heart diseases. Eat dark chocolates, as it is linked to a property in its polyphenols that releases a chemical messenger, nitric oxide which improves blood flow and reduces platelet aggregation.

6. Chocolates may improve your skin. Studies have shown that the compounds in chocolate act as UV filters.

7. Lastly, it may even reduce pain. However, eat moderately as this pain-killing effect could contribute to obesity.

Are you feeling shocked? It's true that chocolate have all these health benefits which might mesmerize you, but keep in mind that do not eat too much!!! Enjoy eating chocolate people. Haha. So, I want to take a break and have a KitKat now. Bye :D

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